The purpose of the Highway Code is to encourage safety on the road. The are various rules in the Highway Code, which is legal requirements PCO and private hire drivers must follow. If PCO and private hire drivers violate these rules, it will be treated as a criminal offence and this could lead to disqualification, fine or your licence been taken back.
PCO and private hire drivers in London are advised to ensure you are aware of the various rules and regulations of the Highway Code and take accountability to aid in decrease of road fatalities.
Hierarchy of road user (Rule H1) – PCO and private hire drivers must be aware of The Highway Code and know their obligation for the safety other and decrease the risk they pose towards:
- Pedestrians
- Cyclist
- Horse riders
- Motorcyclist
- Cars/taxis
- Vans/minibuses
- Large passenger vehicles heavy goods vehicles
Pedestrians at junctions (Rule H2) – PCO and private hire drivers must give way to pedestrians on the zebra crossing, parallel crossing and light controlled crossing.
Cyclists at junctions (Rule H3) – PCO and private hire drivers must not cut across cyclists when around a roundabout, turning into or out of a junction or even when changing lanes or direction.
To prevent collision with cyclist, it is vital that all PCO and private hire drivers have a safe gap between them and the cyclist when:
- Approaching
- Passing
- Moving away from a junction
- Moving past
- Waiting alongside still
- During slow-moving traffic
Other highway rules – There are many highway rules, all PCO and private hire must follow such as:
- Must not press vehicle horn or make a gesture at pedestrians or cyclists to invite them to cross the road
- At junctions, must not be at front of cyclists or motorcyclist
- Must follow the new rules and regulations on safe passing distance and speed limits
- Have least 1.5 meters space distance when driving under 30mph speed limit
- Have least 2.0 meters space distance when driving over 30mph speed limit
- In all conditions, large vehicles must have least 2.0 meters space distance when driving
- Must have least 2.0 meters space distance and speed limit of under 15mph
- When passing horse riders or vehicles carrying horses, you must have least 2.0 meters space distance and speed limit of under 15mph